MAN | 2023 November | News Highlights

Malaysia Adventist News November edition: Adventist Community Services (ACS) collaborates with Health Ministries on a Medical Mission Trip, The Health and Adventist Possibility Ministries Advisory meets at MAUM Headquarters for consultancy, Sarawak Mission holds Elders, Deacons & Deaconesses Convention and Advisory at UCSI Hotel, Kuching, Peninsular Malaysia Mission Public Campus Ministry camps at Port Dickson Methodist Centre, and Sabah Mission Women’s Ministries organizes the first-ever girls’ camp at Tamparuli.

For more details can refer to the links below:

Adventist Community Service and Health Ministries Provides Healthcare at Pulau Gaya

Health and Adventist Possibility Ministries Advisory Meets at MAUM Headquarters

Sarawak Mission Elders, Deacons & Deaconess Gather for Convention and Advisory

PCM Camps at Port Dickson Methodist Centre

SAB Women’s Ministries Girls CoMission Camp

Presented by: Hazel Ginajil

Written by: Hazel Ginajil

Videography and edit by: Jiachern Gan

MAN or Malaysia Adventist News is the official news network of Malaysia Union Mission.

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29, November 2023, Wednesday.