First MAUM Pathfinder Camporee Gather 2,300 Campers
The most anticipated event for Malaysian Union Mission Youth Ministries concluded on Thursday morning, 11 April at Dantai, Kota Belud, Sabah. Around 2,300 campers journeyed approximately two hours outside the capital city of Kota Kinabalu to participate in the First Malaysia Union Mission Pathfinder Camporee. The campers came from the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Singapore, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, and Sarawak.…
Read MoreRelaunching Dantai
In conjunction with the closing of the First Malaysia Union Mission Pathfinder Camporee, the relaunching of Kem Istirehat Dantai, or Dantai Adventist Retreat Camp, took place on the morning of April 11. Presiding over the Relaunching Ceremony, Sabah Mission president Pr. Ferdinand Sawanai revealed the new name, Dantai Elpizo Beach Adventure Camp (DEBAC). Further, he…
Read MoreFirst-Ever MAUM Heroes Tournament
In a testament to the resilience and determination of young participants, the first-ever MAUM Heroes Tournament unfolded amidst the picturesque backdrop of Dantai Elpizo Beach Adventure Camp (DEBAC) in Sabah, Malaysia. Despite facing unexpected challenges, our participants from the inaugural MAUM camporee gathered to witness and partake in this historic event. Initially scheduled for the…
Read MoreMAN | 2024 March | News Highlights
Malaysia Adventist News March edition: Sabah Stewardship Ministries host statewide online morning worship 2.0. | MAUM Health Ministries kick off the year by creating programs to serve the church members and beyond. | MAUM Women participate in the International Day of Prayer. | Newly minted life coaches form a new advocacy. | Secondary Schools in…
Read MoreMAUM Health Ministries Actively Serve Members
The Health Ministry is off to a great start this year, concentrating on two health programs in the first quarter: The Grace of Aging and Heal Your Lifestyle. The first initiative is a collaboration between Health Ministries and Adventist Possibility Ministries, aimed at the church’s elderly members. As Dr. Jane Yap mentioned in her introduction…
Read MoreSabah Mission Stewardship Ministries Host Statewide Online Morning Worship 2.0
Sabah Stewardship Ministries organised its second state-wide online worship event; the first was from March 1 to May 31, 2022. The program commenced at the beginning of the year and has been taking place via Zoom and shared on Facebook and YouTube live every morning, beginning at 5 a.m. The program is scheduled to end…
Read MoreNewly Minted Life Coaches Form a New Advocacy
In a convocation held at the Malaysia Union Mission Headquarters in Seremban, twenty-nine inductees celebrated the successful completion of the Life Coach Training. The Life Coach completers, made up of pastors, teachers, IT people, secretaries, chaplains, and missionaries, embarked on this journey last year. The course commenced at the local missions of Sabah and Peninsular…
Read MoreMAN | 2024 February | News Highlights
Malaysia Adventist News February edition: Children’s Ministries leaders convene at MAUM headquarters, Seremban | MAUM hosts the Gift of Prophesy Symposium at Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu | Sabah Mission Pastor’s Family Day celebration leaves a practical and impactful effect. For more information about the upcoming events can refer to the Facebook Page below: MAUM…
Read MoreChildren’s Ministries Leaders Convene for Advisory
Eleven Children’s Ministries leaders convened at MAUM headquarters in Seremban. From the 22nd to the 23rd of January, the two-day meeting met to gauge strategic plans. The advisory involved directors from the Peninsular Malaysia Mission, Sarawak Mission, Sabah Mission, and the Singapore Adventist Conference. The gathering was spent reviewing the mission and vision while revisiting…
Read MoreMAUM Health Ministry Observes January 13 as Health Ministry Day
The world church has designated every second Sabbath of January as Health Ministry Day. This year, MAUM observes January 13 as Health Ministry Day in local churches for the first time. On this day, Adventist churches around the globe promote health education, wellness, and community outreach in their efforts to raise awareness about healthy living,…
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