The world church has designated every second Sabbath of January as Health Ministry Day. This year, MAUM observes January 13 as Health Ministry Day in local churches for the first time. On this day, Adventist churches around the globe promote health education, wellness, and community outreach in their efforts to raise awareness about healthy living, preventive care, and community service.
Peninsular Malaysia Mission
A total of sixteen churches participated in the Health Ministry Day. Among the activities held in the church included health talks and health messages during the worship service. The activities continued after church with health screenings, a cooking demonstration on preparing healthy vegetarian food, and, of course, sharing healthy vegetarian food during a church potluck.

Sarawak Mission
The Sarawak Mission observed the day by celebrating the Adventist church’s impact on community health. A total of 15 churches participated in health programs at different locations. The churches invited Adventist professionals and church leaders to present the Adventist health message in local churches and communities.

Sabah Mission
The churches in Sabah got together by region to celebrate Health Ministry Day. Like PEM and SAK, each region presented health messages and organized health activities. Meanwhile, Region 9 decided to do something a little different. The church members participated in a Community-Kindness Drive by collecting rubbish along one of the nearby shorelines. This effort demonstrated the GC total member involvement (TMI) initiative.

Brunei Attached Field
The local church in Brunei participated in observed the Health Ministry Day by presenting health talks, offering health screenings, preparing and demonstrating healthy meals, and conducting health assessments such as stress and step tests. In a health talk, Dr. Elvin Alcoriza, the guest speaker, emphasized the beauty of Health Ministries, while Mr. Jouie Joy Llanto shared a mental health lecture entitled, ‘The Effects of Music in Mental Health.’

“Although this is the first Health Ministry Day observed simultaneously in all missions, the outcome was very encouraging.” Dr. Jane Yap MAUM, Director of Health Ministries, commended the mission directors and encouraged them to continue providing health awareness to the church members and the community.
Reported by Dr. Jane Yap, MAUM Director of Health Ministries and Hazel Wanda Ginajil-Gara, MAUM Communications
9, February 2024, Friday.