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  • 【Updated on 9 May 2023】 The Children’s Ministries of Malaysia Union Mission (MAUM) recently conducted a series of advisory meetings in February and March. The meetings, held on February 19 for SAB Mission, March 17-18 for PEM Mission, and March 26 for SAK Mission (Southern) brought together approximately 150 Children’s Ministries leaders from across the…

  • Malaysia is now home to the Digital Missionary (DM) platform, a digital evangelism tool that provides support to those who are in need of emotional and spiritual guidance. The platform, which was first launched in Africa and later in Europe, has finally made its way to Malaysia. The DM platform unites individuals who are facing…

  • The faculty and students of Medicine and Health Sciences of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) have embarked on a research project with the Health Ministry Departments of Sarawak Adventist Mission (SAK) and Malaysia Union Mission (MAUM) to study the association between spiritual practices and diet-related health behaviors with the quality of life among the Seventh Day…

  • Under the leadership of Pastor Ham Diyon, the Health Ministry Director of the Sarawak Adventist Mission (SAK), a delegation recently met with the Deputy Premier of Sarawak and Minister of Public Health, YB Dato Professor Dr. Sim Kui Hian. The purpose of the visit was to extend an invitation for YB Dato Professor Dr. Sim…

  • Adventist primary and secondary school principals and leaders within MAUM together with the Education Superintendents from SAB and SAK visited Ekamai International School (EIS), Adventist International Mission School dan (AIMS), and Korat Adventist International School (KAIS) in Thailand on their Benchmarking Tour on March 19-23, 2023. They also attended a leadership presentation at Asia-Pacific International…

  • The Malaysia Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists (MAUM) was a territory under the former Southeast Asia Union Mission (SAUM), one of nine unions of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD). The Southeast Asia Union Mission was organized in 1917 and reorganized in 1929, with its headquarters located at 798 Thomson Road, Singapore. Its territory included seven…