After several months of preparation and training, the Region 9 churches in Sabah held a Health Expo at Palm Square, 4th floor of Centre Point Sabah, on 30th July 2023.
The health expo was a roaring success. The team served over 200 clients from all walks of life. It was officiated by Dr. Jeremiah Daniel, Special Duties Officer, on behalf of YB James Ratib, Minister of Community Development and People’s Wellbeing of Sabah. In his opening speech, Dr. Jeremiah stated that Adventists are proponents of the health message and consistently promote a healthy lifestyle through simple everyday choices. He urged the Adventist church to work closely with the local government for future programs.

The Expo started at 11 AM and ended around 5 PM. The services provided included:
- Health screening for height, weight, BMI, blood glucose, and cholesterol
- A cooking demonstration to emphasize the importance of nutrition
- A charobix demonstrations, a physical exercise routine
- Activities promoting against the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. This activity gathered around 40 participants from the public.

At the end of the program, Dr. Jane Yap, MAUM Health Director, spoke about the rising trend of lifestyle diseases that are crippling the nation, especially obesity. Through health expos as such, the expectation is to raise awareness and willingness within the public to improve the quality of life. In closing, the event’s chairman, Elder Andy Lim, thanked the volunteers who gave their time, effort, and commitment. He also thanked the sponsors, including Centre Point Management, who allowed the venue to be used free of charge.
By Elder Andy Lim, Sabah Mission
*Region 9 refers to the churches located at the following places: Inanam, Kepayan, Kota Kinabalu, Alam Mesra, Likas, Luyang, Manggatal, Penampang, Kinarut and Telipok.
07, September 2023, Thursday.