The Sarawak Mission held an Elders, Deacons & Deaconesses Convention and Advisory from 10-12 November at UCSI Hotel, Kuching. Under the direction of the Ministerial department, the convention themed “Renewal and Restoration” was based on Ephesians 4:23-24.
One hundred five elders, deacons & deaconesses participated in the weekend event. The topics presented centred on approaches for elders, deacons, and deaconesses to use in the church. The convention served as a means of training for local church leaders to use in their churches.

Amongst the speakers were MAUM Ministerial Secretary Pr. Francis Amer, Sarawak Mission officers, President Pr. Semilee Tajau, Executive Secretary Pr. Joggery Gelu and Treasurer Elder Dave Ngali. Additionally, selected Mission Department Directors were also guest speakers: Pr. Andrew Ganya, Ministerial Secretary, Pr. Chan Tin Loi, Youth Ministries, Pr. Terry Valten, Education & Communication, Madam Yvonne Jabeng, Women’s & Children’s Ministries; and Ms. Clare Kiu, Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries.
The convention started on Friday, November 10, with sessions focusing on the young generation in our church. Each session stressed how the different ministries can contribute to the church, resonating with the total member involvement initiative prescribed by the world church. Mission President, Pr. Semilee presented a session on Sabbath morning entitled Pastors and Lay Leader’s Role in Stewardship Education. In his sharing, he emphasized approaching stewardship on a spiritual level, making it a lifestyle.

The convention ended on Sunday, November 12. With church leaders trained and equipped from a weekend-filled event on ministry methods to use in the church, elders, deacons & deaconesses are now renewed, restored, and ready to take up the challenges at their respective churches. A group of elders echoed, “We will do our best to serve the people, in the service of our King.”

28, November 2023, Tuesday.