MAUM Women’s Ministries department conducted a survey in January 2023 to identify the primary needs of Adventist women in its three missions: PEM, SAB, and SAK. The survey garnered responses from 1,027 women, with 40% indicating that nurturing their personal growth through prayer and Bible study was their highest need. 30% expressed their need for empowerment to plan and participate in church and community activities, while the remaining 30% needed to learn how to reach others through small group fellowship and evangelism.
In response to these findings, MAUM’s Women’s Ministries department organized programs to cater to these needs, beginning with Nurture programs.
One such program was a two-part Prayer Journaling webinar which took place over two consecutive Thursdays on April 13 and April 20, 2023. Although the webinar was hosted by MAUM, WM directors, and women from other unions in SSD were invited to participate.
The webinar featured Sister Heather Dawn Small, the Director of Women’s Ministries of the General Conference, who drew from her 38 years of prayer-journaling experience to offer profound insights and blessings about prayer journaling. In the first session, Sister Heather reminded participants of the incredible privilege of entering the throne room of God through prayer at any time and place. She then shared reasons to journal prayers that motivate women to start or continue prayer journaling. In the second session, sister Heather shared practical and simple journaling ideas to make prayer life more organized, structured, effective, and meaningful, as well as ways to incorporate Scripture into prayers.
The webinar also included testimonies from two prayer warriors. Sister Tantip Kitjaroonchai from Southeastern Asia Union Mission shared how her prayer journaling had extended beyond her family to many others, including a whole campus community. Sister Jadaza M. Hintay from North Philippines Union Conference shared how God had been faithful in answering all the prayer requests she had recorded in her thirty-year series of prayer journals.
The webinar served as a reminder to seek God intentionally and make prayer an integral part of our lives. The Prayer journaling program also aligns with the “Back to the Altar” initiative of the world church, encouraging women to develop or maintain a habitual practice of morning and evening worship.

05, May 2023, Thursday.