Peninsular Malaysia Mission’s Women’s Ministry organized a Ladies’ Retreat from 8 to 10 September 2023 at Dash Box Hotel Cyberjaya. The event drew around 50 women from all over the mission.

The retreat was based on prayer; thus, the theme chosen was “Hear Me!” The idea is to cry out in desperation, give praise in thanksgiving, and retreat in total surrender to God when life is too hard to bear. The guest speaker, Dr. Ritha Maidom, shared the prayers of some prominent Bible characters, such as Daniel, Jabez, Hezekiah, David, and Jesus. These characters went through different stages of life, and their prayers teach us how to pray and what to do when we face similar situations. Dr. Ritha said, “Talking to God calms our anger.” I find this comforting. How often have we sinned when we are angry about certain things, situations, or people? At this uncontrollable moment, turn to God in prayer and ask, “Hear Me!” hear my anger and heal my bitterness from within.

The participants also learned how to do prayer journaling by exploring the prayer of Solomon, the Tax Collector, and Stephen. Madam Faridah Lausin, Malaysia Union Mission Women Ministries Director, shared the strategies during vespers and morning devotionals. The women actively participated.
The most exciting part of the retreat was the fun and interesting activities on Sabbath afternoon. It started with an icebreaking activity where participants had to approach one another and list five similarities. The team-building activity was not only interactive but was also a test of Bible knowledge. Some participants commented, “This is the best retreat ever!”

It was a wonderful and memorable experience for all who came. Almost 80% of the participants traveled from the Northern region, and 20% came from the Central and Southern regions. The ages ranged between 23 and 70 years old, and everyone could mingle well without an age barrier.
PEM Women’s Ministry last organized a retreat as such pre-pandemic. This is the first large event post-pandemic. Everyone was excited and looking forward to this retreat. This retreat allowed the women in our church ‘me time’ with our God. It was an avenue for the women to get a timeout, rest, recharge, and reconnect with God.
We hope to organize more future retreats, continue supporting women in our churches, and nurture and empower them through inspiring seminars and gatherings.

*The Peninsular Malaysia Mission Women’s Ministry invited Dr. Ritha Maidom as their guest speaker. Dr. Ritha is the Vice President of Student Administration at Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand. She has been serving there for over 25 years.
Reported by Christine Tan, Women’s Ministry Director, Peninsular Malaysia Mission
29, September 2023, Friday.