Associate Youth Ministries Director of the General Conference, Dr. Pako Edson Mokgwane, visited the Malaysia Union Mission (MAUM) from 18 to 25 November 2024. His visit followed that of Pr. Busi Kumalo, Director of Youth Ministries for the General Conference, who was the guest speaker at the SSD-wide Master Guide Convention back in October. Dr. Pako, who oversees the Public Campus Ministry, toured all three missions of the Malaysia Union Mission during his stay.
Peninsular Malaysia Mission Appointments
Dr. Pako began his itinerary on Tuesday, 19 November, by sharing the morning devotional for the staff and students at Penang Adventist Hospital and the Adventist College of Nursing and Health Sciences. He was accompanied by Elder Farrel Gara, MAUM Youth Director; Pr. Tan Weoi Siong, Peninsular Mission Youth Director; and Mr. Albin Pua, CEO of Penang Adventist Hospital. Following his message, he was given a tour of the hospital by the marketing team and a guided visit to the nursing college by its principal, Madam Leong Chew Wai.

In the evening, Dr. Pako joined 50 students from the Penang Teachers Training Institute and the University of Science Malaysia for a fellowship session. This event was organized by Pr. Maclan Matthew, Peninsular Mission Education Superintendent. The following morning, he visited The Lighthouse Academy, a school owned by an Adventist layman. There, he delivered a motivational message to faculty, students, and staff during the morning worship session and then toured the school premises before departing for Sarawak later that day.

Visit to Sarawak Mission
From Penang, he flew to Kuching, Sarawak. Upon arriving in Kuching, Dr. Pako was welcomed by Pr. Chan Tin Loi, Sarawak Mission Youth Director, and Elder Farrel Gara. His first visit was at the Kampung Bunga Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Serian, where he addressed over 700 youth and church leaders. The event featured a customary “Welcoming the Guest” dance, as well as vibrant singing and praise sessions. Dr. Pako’s sermon was well-received, with many attendees expressing their enthusiasm by connecting with him on social media.

On the following day, he visited Sunny Hill and Ayer Manis schools, delivering uplifting messages to students and teachers. Later that evening, a dinner was hosted by the Sarawak Mission, led by Mission President Pr. Semilee Tajau, to express appreciation for Dr. Pako’s dedication and contributions.

Engagements in Sabah Mission
Dr. Pako’s visit to the Sabah Mission began with a warm airport welcome by Pr. Lysoniel Juji Lamam, Sabah Mission Youth Director; Pr. Elwin Motibi, Pathfinder Club President; and a group of youth with a welcome banner. At Sabah Adventist Secondary School, he witnessed traditional dances and performances by the school choir and delivered another inspiring message.

During Friday Vespers, Dr. Pako officiated the relaunching of the Alamesra Care Adventist Center to the Alamesra Youth Care Center (AYCC). Present at the ceremony was Sabah Mission President Pr. Feldinand Sawanai, while Elder Farrel Gara delivered the worship message. On Sabbath morning, close to 1000 Adventist youth and other church members gathered at the Klagan Hotel 1Borneo ballroom to meet Dr. Pako. Unfortunately, due to fever and jetlag, he could not address the attendees in person but shared a brief video message apologizing and encouraging them.

Despite his illness, Dr. Pako participated in a smaller gathering with youth at AYCC the following evening before departing for Manado, Indonesia, the next day.
Dr. Pako Edson Mokgwane’s visit to the Malaysia Union Mission was a significant source of inspiration for Adventist youth across the region. His messages emphasized authenticity, Christ-like character, and the importance of representing Christ in public campuses and daily life. The youth and leaders of MAUM deeply appreciated his presence and look forward to welcoming him again in the future.
Reported by Farrel Gara, Adventist Youth Ministries Director, Malaysia Union Mission.
2, December 2024, Monday.