A team of twelve volunteers from Peninsular Malaysia Mission (PEM) and Malaysia Union Mission (MAUM) set out early Sunday morning, June 25, for a Dental Mission outreach to Children’s Future Education Centre in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. This is a school run by Myanmar volunteers to educate the children of Myanmar migrant workers. The UN Refugee Agency recognises the education centre as a school.
The team arrived around 9 AM. A total of thirty-three students participated in the program. They were excited to receive visitors. During the devotional, they enthusiastically participated in singing and gave their full attention listening to the Bible story presented by Mrs. Faridah Lausin, MAUM Children Ministries Director. The children also listened attentively to a health talk and watched a health video by PEM Health Director, Dr. Pua Sze Ning.
As each student exchanged turns to be examined by the volunteers, a sense of fear, anxiety, and intensity filled the room. From cheerful, happy faces, the children became afraid, and some even cried, especially after experiencing tooth extraction. Thanks to our caring and loving volunteers, encouraging and giving moral support to the children, they managed to calm themselves. Parents expressed their appreciation through smiles and nods. In contrast, the teachers and workers of the centre expressed their sincere gratitude to the organisers for taking the initiative to provide this kind of service to this community.
The MAUM organisers would like to express their sincere thanks to Dr. Peter Loh and his wife, Dr. Monina Mondejar (Dentists), Dr. Pua Sze Ning (PEM Health Director), Elder Eddy Wong (PEM Health Department worker) and Ms. Lydia Tan (PEM Secretary) for the service rendered.
To God be the glory!

05, July 2023, Wednesday.