Church Elders from the Malaysia Union Mission gathered at the Union Headquarters in Seremban on the 24th of November for a weekend Evangelism Conference. The opening ceremony on Friday afternoon assembled leaders from the Southern Asia-Pacific Division and church elders from the three missions and the attached field of Borneo.

The first session, “The Role of the Elder in the 21st Century,” was an eye-opening session that is much needed and suitable for church leaders at this present time. Pr. Francis Amer, Vice President for NDR-IEL, Ministerial Association & Chaplaincy, shared some common challenges whilst giving an overview of the subsequent topics to be delivered during the conference.

The other presenters were Pr. Wendell Mandolang, the Executive Secretary of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, Pr. Arnel Gabin, Vice President for NDR-IEL of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Pr. Rudi Situmorang, SSD Ministerial Secretary and Chaplaincy Director. Together, the four leaders presented important topics and workshops as training and preparation for the 2024 evangelism initiative.

The conference was a weekend event that ended on Sunday afternoon. The participants enjoyed a delicious lunch together before heading home on their separate ways. Participants echoed their gratitude towards the organizers for providing ample training and taking good care of their meals throughout the conference.
14, December 2023, Thursday.