Dr. Peter Landless, General Conference’s Health Ministries Director paid a visit to Penang Adventist Hospital from the 4th to the 9th of January. His arrival was warmly welcomed by Pr. Abel Bana, the Malaysia Union Mission (MAUM) president, and the Penang Adventist Hospital administrators. His visit commemorates a centenary of devotion as the hospital observes its 100th year of dedicated healthcare services.

Centennial Staff Sabbath
On the 6th of January 2024, Penang Adventist Hospital organized a staff Sabbath. In an archival presentation, Dr. Raymond Tah and Dr. Edward Nathan eloquently unfolded the rich tapestry of the hospital’s historical journey by reenacting the occasion, portraying the esteemed institution’s visionary founders. A group of talented hospital staff rendered an exceptional performance, depicting these remarkable events of the establishment. The harmonies of angelic voices resonated through the hall as the dedicated nurses and staff sang worship songs. Culminating the service was the Sabbath message by Dr. Peter Landless. He shared a valuable and insightful sermon on healthcare.

Dr. Peter Landless Visits PAH
During his visit, Dr. Peter Landless had the opportunity to address the staff and student nurses at a morning chapel service. In addition to sharing words of encouragement and blessings, Dr. Landless also offered a special prayer for the newly appointed Group President, Mr. Ronald Koh, and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Albin Phua, as they led Penang Adventist Hospital into its centennial.

Dedication Ceremony for the newly renovated Pharmacy
On the 9th of January, Penang Adventist Hospital had a special dedication ceremony for the newly refurbished Pharmacy. The hospital leaders came together, bringing songs of praise led by the hospital chaplains. Dr. Landless, the guest of honour, presided over the momentous occasion, returning all glory and honour to God.
Penang Adventist Hospital was privileged to be blessed by the inspiring presence and words of Dr. Peter Landless, Health Ministries Director at the General Conference. As he concluded his visit to PAH, the administrators and representatives from the Malaysia Union Mission extended their sincere wishes for a safe journey home, eagerly anticipating his return for the Centennial Anniversary Celebration in December.
Penang Adventist Hospital was established in 1924 by Dr. J Earl Gardner. Since then, it has become a tertiary healthcare centre for the Malaysian community and international visitors. For more information on Penang Adventist Hospital, visit www.pah.com.my

Reported by Raymond Chee, PR Communications, Penang Adventist Hospital, and Hazel Wanda Ginajil-Gara, MAUM Communications
9, February 2024, Friday.