“Healed to Heal” was the theme for the Adventist College of Nursing and Health Sciences college retreat this year. The annual student retreat took place from May 31 to June 2, at White Resort Camp, Balik Pulau, Penang, and attracted 83 participants—16 non-SDA students.

College chaplain, Pr. Jimrod explained, “The college retreat gives students an opportunity to interact on a spiritual level with one another and their faculty.” The retreat aimed to give the student nurses the skills and information they need to offer holistic care, with a focus on personal wellness, professional development, and compassionate care. The understanding is that one must first cure oneself before healing others.
Resource speakers, MAUM VP for NDR-IEL, also certified (CPE) or chaplain Pr. Francis Amer, delivered the main sessions: The Wounded Soul, Journey to Wholeness, and Be Healed to Heal, while MAUM Youth Director, Elder Farrel Gara provided devotionals on Biblical heroes who received God’s healing before becoming effective in their ministry.

The 3-day retreat was a weekend of enjoyment, spiritual growth, and social advancement. The students were actively involved in the preparation and implementation of the program. This was intended to improve the students’ dependence on God, build teamwork, and foster healthy friendships. On Sabbath morning, the students participated in a case study activity that brought tears to many as they empathized with others and reconnected with themselves.

The retreat ended on a high note on Sunday afternoon, with students collectively sharing a renewed sense of camaraderie while seeing the importance of self-healing. The Adventist College of Nursing and Health Sciences is a private college of nursing in Penang. It provides an undergraduate nurse training program with the goal of transforming students through holistic educational experiences into servant leaders who embrace the purpose of service, are guided by faith, and dedicate themselves to living balanced lives.
Reported by Hazel Wanda Ginajil-Gara, MAUM Communication Department
13, June 2024, Thursday.